The Union Difference
If you aren’t in a union then you already know that your boss has all the power. He or she gets to have a say in every aspect of your work life while you have little to no input at all. At any time there can be changes to your benefits, your pay, or the conditions under which you work and there is nothing you can do about it. A union isn’t a group of “outsiders” like your boss may say; it’s you and your co-workers standing together.
With a union you have the power to have a real voice on the job; you and your co-workers join together to affect long term, sustainable change in your workplace. The power of Unions work, that’s the real reason why employers are against them. Unions are still the best way to fight for workers and against corporate greed. Right now, working America is under attack big business is doing its best to clamp down on workers’ rights and raise profits, the best way to do this is to keep you out of a union. But you don’t have to take that! You have rights! Like the right to form a union and start negotiating with your employer and stop begging!
But wait…aren’t Unions outdated and unnecessary?
Rights and respect never go out of style just like greed never stops wanting more!
- 25% of US workers earn wages below the poverty line. Read that again~ 1 in 4 workers have wages that keep them without resources and dependent on big business.
- 17% increase in people living in poverty since 2000. The war on working America is only getting worse; organizing together we can raise everyone’s living standards.
- 45 million people in the US lack health insurance- up 17% since 2000. Only about 2% of union workers lack health insurance while 1 in 4 non-union workers lack health insurance.
- Worker productivity is up 67% since 1980 but wages are only up 15%. Employers exploit workers fear of a slow economy and unemployment to get you to work harder for less!
- In 1980, the average CEO made 42 times what the average worker made, today it is 411 times. Their only concern is their bottom line; it is your bread and butter, your wage you should have a say in it. The bosses want to keep you powerless and separate so he can profit off your labor!
- In 1982-40% of US workers had employer paid pensions. Today- less than 20%. Employers want to you to gamble on your future with 401k’s and if you gamble doesn’t pay off? Hey Wal-Mart doesn’t mind hiring 75 year old door greeters, the desperate work so hard.
- Women earn 78 cents of every dollar men earn, in the last 40 years that has only raised $.08. African American women- 71 cents. Latinas- 59 cents. A Union contract is an impartial way to ensure fair wages and benefits for ALL workers ALL the time.
- 12 million undocumented workers remain vulnerable to abuse of rights at work. Unions remain the best way to protect your rights on the job.